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Styku: 115% Growth From a Robust Full Scale Marketing Strategy

Styku 3D body scanner technology helps doctors, fitness professionals, and med spas improve the fitness experience for their patients and clients by making it easier for medical and fitness professionals to provide quick, reliable, non-invasive body scans for their clients.


Generating Quality Leads Through SEO, Social Strategy, and Email Marketing

 Before working with us, Styku was experiencing challenges in several key marketing areas. The sales team was struggling to get qualified leads from their paid advertising efforts, they had a minimal social media presence, their search engine optimization strategies were harming them, their email list was going unused, and overall cost per acquisition (CPA) was significantly higher than they needed.

Styku came to us with strong goals to increase sales, increase organic traffic and website conversions, grow their brand awareness, and lower their customer acquisition cost.


Social Media Marketing


Increased social followers


Increased impressions

 We created a strategic social media marketing plan to build brand awareness through organic social media strategies and website visibility. This led to a growth of over 275% of social media followers and over 150% more impressions year-over-year.

Landing Page Design & Development


Increased lead form submissions

 The team optimized and redesigned landing pages to address the specific needs of Styku’s ideal customer, leading to reduced customer acquisition costs. Creating new landing pages also increased web domain authority and pushed web pages to the top of organic Google rankings, improving overall site visibility.


Email Marketing


click rate YOY


Increased open
rates YOY

 By creating a consistent email marketing strategy in combination with content promotion strategies, Styku’s email campaigns saw over a 55% improvement in open rates and a 32% increase in click-through rates year-over-year.



SEO Article Creation Integrated with Social Media Advertising


Increased organic traffic


Increased organic conversions YOY


Reduced CPA

Knowing the importance of having a strong SEO and content strategy, we created custom audiences through blog traffic to optimized articles on Styku’s website which led to over a 45% increase in organic traffic and over a 30% increase in organic conversions year-over-year.

We also utilized Facebook pixels to serve relevant ads and provided targeted user touchpoints across digital channels. These efforts worked concurrently to guide interested, qualified leads to Styku’s product and services.

Additionally, by optimizing existing ads and creating new, highly targeted social media ads for Styku’s ideal customer base, we were able to reduce Facebook Advertising cost-per-acquisition by over 25%.



GoogleAdExample 1

Google Advertising


increased Google Ads conversions YOY


Increased conversion rate

Optimizing existing ads and creating new highly targeted ads allowed us to increase Google Ads conversions by almost 50% year-over-year and increase the conversion rate by over 65% in one year.

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